Sunday, September 27, 2009

so..I've decided I don't like blogger because I can't figure it out...any recommendations? live journal? xanga? facebook?

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

One more day....

hey flight is tomorrow from castlegar....then to vancouver then toronto and then we take a bus to a camp where everyone in our cluster group will be staying for 3 days. we won't have cell service or internet and I guess we'll just be doing workshops and meeting people.
I'm meeting a bunch of people at oso negro at 7:30am tomorrow so if anyone is an early bird you should come.
I didn't really sleep last night but I'm sure these entries will be much more exciting soon

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

One more week...

Hey I leave in one week...
I made this blog so I don't have to tell everyone everything a billion times and also just as a record for myself. I'll probably still use facebook too.
My first placement is Strathroy, ON and I have no idea what I will be doing there... but first I fly to toronto and then do a 3 day camp with a bunch of people who will be in the area...I hope they don't lose my bags.
Right now I'm just planning and packing and hunting down my group members on facebook. Apparently one of the girls was on an exchange from Quebec a couple of years ago and was actually in my cooking class...coincidence?
I'm not actually nervous yet.... haaa. Well I guess I am kind of nervous about being house manager I think it's called..because I gotta cook for 12 people for a week with only one other person...
I'm hoping to buy a Flip camera or maybe just a normal one to spice up this blog so hopefully you guys will check back/subscribe and COMMENT
okay I will try to stop calling you you guys...
I hope I didn't bore you to death
oh PS...I made a skype account... roseanna.banana