Saturday, October 24, 2009

in the words of Meggie....we "just scampered through the woods, played tag in a tree farm, almost got hit by a train, hugged a magical tree, and made some friends :)"....all in the middle of the night

Thursday, October 22, 2009

crazy PL alicia

homemade bread :)

the boys :)



Shower party.

Chin face.

home-made Katima-symbol...

first day with our shirts haha


baby turkey!
hey guys! sorry I suck at updating this thing. I really have no excuse other than...I dont even know. so....this week I am house manager which means I stay home with Penelope and act crazy. I mean...clean the house...and....cook meals....for 12 humans. today we're making chili and corn muffins for dinner and chocolate banana muffins for tomorrow's breakfast. oh and a raccoon broke into our compost and dragged stuff around our porch. and there are ladybugs EVERYWHERE in this place. okay Ive lost my inspiration so I will add some pictures.... and you can look at my facebook pictures or watch my youtube videos :) (username is roseannaaaaa)

love and miss you guys.

ps Im making it a goal to update this thing every day
pps I love phonecalls and mail..hinthint

Friday, October 9, 2009

okay clara

I guess I'll keep updating this for now.
where do I start....I've been here for 2 weeks and 2 days. yes Ive been counting...umm. I work at a thrift store called Keepers where I price, hang and sell stuff. my feet get really sore. then in the evenings we play games and do workshops like food safety and bread making or we play kickball and stuff...we also like to have cuddle puddles and massage circles. there's 4 boys and 7 girls in my group, plus our leader alicia. everyone pretty much gets along......there's 3 other girls in my room so it's a big change but I find myself lonely when Im alone which doesnt happen that often but if everyones out it gets uncomfortably quiet..hmm...what else....tomorrow we are going to london to hang out with another group and play manhunt and stuff....k I gotta go eat dinner.....but I want everyone to phone me/write me letters pleaseeeeeee. or send me pictures of moutains because I miss them. peace.